EEX Reconfirms Its Support For The Development Of National ETS In China


In a 3-day technical workshop, EEX has engaged with staff of Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange (CNEEEX) and other Chinese stakeholders, sharing its experience in the operation and supervision of an emissions trading platform. The workshop was organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in cooperation with CNEEEX. In addition to EEX, the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) joined the discussion and provided views from a legal and regulatory perspective.

EEX has a long-standing experience as exchange market operator in the EU ETS, the biggest carbon market worldwide.

EEX Group is also active in North America through Nodal Exchange, providing contracts based on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and the California Cap-and-Trade Program,

EEX has recently concluded two cooperation agreements with two other carbon exchanges, China Beijing Environment Exchange (CBEEX) and China Emissions Exchange (CEEX) in Guangzhou….

An excerpt from Mondovisione