EU plans for 2030 climate target can shape Cop26 momentum, ministers warn (20.03.02 ~ 20.03.08)


In a letter to the EU Commission’s climate chief Frans Timmermans, environment ministers from 12 EU countries said the EU should present plans for a new 2030 climate target by June 2020, three months earlier than the Commission’s proposed date of September.

The ministers raised concerns Brussels’ timetable would leave too little time for the goals to be agreed by every member state “well ahead of Cop26”, the annual UN climate conference to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, in November.

As part of its “green deal for Europe”, the EU Commission has pledged to work to increase the bloc’s 2030 emission reduction cuts to 50% or 55% below 1990 levels, up from 40% currently.

Assessments to align EU legislation to meet the new 2030 and 2050 targets would then take place by the 30 June 2021.

But ministers urged the Commission to present its plan for the 2030 target “as soon as possible and by June 2020 at the latest” – in good time ahead of a critical EU-China summit hosted by Germany in September 2020, when Brussels hopes to broker a climate deal to leverage Beijing into stronger action.

An excerpt from

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